- Important Update – Work on the roof of the Water Street Centre, Water Street, Bollington is beginning week commencing 27th June

In March, Bollington Initiative Trust (BIT) announced that we had sufficient funds to carry out the repair and renovation work on the roof at the Water Street Centre beginning this summer. The total cost of the work on the roof is around £170,000 and has been made possible by a very generous donation from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We are very grateful for this fantastic support. We promised to provide more details ahead of the work beginning.

We can now confirm that most of the scaffolding will begin to be erected during week commencing 27th June, concluding with a second phase after July 22nd when Bollington Pre-School start its summer break.  We expect the scaffolding will fit within the footprint of the Water Street Centre and will not impact on the pavement or road. Work on the roof will begin once the first phase of the scaffolding is up.

The project is expected to last for 16 weeks, finishing around the 21st October although inevitably this may be subject to change. BIT apologises in advance for any inconvenience, noise or disruption to local residents during the roofing work. The contractors will try to keep any disruption to a minimum during. Updates will be posted on BIT’s social media and websites to keep people informed of progress.

The project will be managed by Bollington-based architect Peter Skinner of Skinner Architecture Ltd. During the roofing project, if you have any questions, Peter can be contacted on 07885 236437 or at pskinner55@me.com .

Following discussions with the Pre-School and the builders, we have concluded that the Pre-School’s car park at the rear of the building will only be available for use by the building contractor and the pre-school. No other parking will be permitted. The gates will be locked each evening and only re-opened when the pre-school is open. This will ensure we can keep the pre-school operational and safely manage the construction activities.  The car park will first be locked on Monday 27th June. If you use the car park, please ensure your vehicle is removed before Monday 27th June.

When the work on the roof is completed, we hope to start refurbishing and redecorating the first floor, currently used by the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. We have already completed £60,000 of work in May 21, replacing the boilers and refurbishing the toilets on the first floor but there is still much more work to do repairing the ceilings, replacing the flooring and redecorating.  If you would like to contribute to the fundraising, you can do so online by following the link below and clicking on “Donate”. We thank those of you that already have made some very generous donations.


It has taken many years to secure the funding necessary to repair the roof, make the building watertight and more usable by the community This is an important step forward. Thank you once again for all your support.

Will Spinks

as Chair of Bollington Initiative Trust


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